1. Provide robust educational programs
KPI 1.1: Graduation rates of first-time, full-time associate 91°µÍø-seeking 91°µÍø
1.1a: Two-Year Rate
1.1b: Three-Year Rate
1.1c: Six-Year Rate
KPI 1.2: Adequate Preparation
1.2a: Percentage employed in field who feel satisfied/highly satisfied with preparation
1.2b: Percentage successfully transferred to a four-year program: 1-year retention rate
2. Develop engaged citizens
KPI 2.1: Persistence rates for first-time, full-time associate 91°µÍø-seeking 91°µÍø
2.1a: Fall-to-spring
2.1b: Fall-to-fall
KPI 2.2: Relevant Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) questions/CCSSE Benchmarks
3. Ensure effective leadership
KPI 3.1: Total College funds expended on leadership educational opportunities
KPI 3.2: Unduplicated number of participants involved in leadership activities
3.2a: By functional area;
3.2b: Total number of participants
KPI 3.3: Percentage turnover in leadership positions
3.3a: Senior staff
3.3b: Division chairs
KPI 3.4: Community perception of college leadership
4. Deepen community partnerships
KPI 4.1: Relationships with community partners
5. Strive for state-of-the-art facilities
KPI 5.1: Deferred maintenance
KPI 5.2: Facilities master plan projects
5.2a: Percentage on-time
5.2b: Percentage completed
KPI 5.3: Percentage of Technology Fee requests granted
KPI 5.4: Percentage of equipment requests granted
6. Provide responsible management and stewardship of the College’s finances
KPI 6.1: Fund balance (reserve fund)
KPI 6.2: Operating expenses per full-time-equivalent (FTE) student
KPI 6.3: Budgeted versus actual full-time-equivalent (FTE) student
NOTE: Standards and measures for success have yet to be defined for each indicator.