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91°µÍø is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for 91°µÍø, employees and visitors. We recognize that an effective campus safety policy and procedures for reporting problems can help assure security for persons and property.
The Campus Safety Act Report, including a complete description of services, crime statistics and campus safety information, is included in the annual Right to Know / Annual Security Report 2023-2024 document. Printed copies are available from the Public Safety Offices at the Auburn and Fulton campuses. Annual crime statistics are also available at or by contacting Doug Kinney, Director of Public Safety, at (315) 294-8411 or
The Campus Sex Crime Prevention Act of 2000 and New York’s “Megan’s Law” require the state’s Division of Criminal Justice Services to inform college campuses when a registered sex offender is enrolled or employed. Any member of the college community may request information about registered sex offenders by contacting Doug Kinney, Director of Public Safety, at (315) 294-8411 or
SUNY takes reports of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking seriously. If you are a member of a SUNY community and have experienced any of the above, this provides you with information you can use to seek resources and support and to report the crime to law enforcement and the campus.
When a hostile person(s) is actively causing death or serious bodily injury or the threat of imminent death or serious bodily injury to person(s) within a building, and if you cannot escape the threat by getting out of the building without putting yourself in harm’s way, we recommend the following procedures be implemented:
- Faculty and staff should immediately lock themselves, 91°µÍø or any other uninvolved persons in a classroom, office or residence hall room. If possible cover any windows or openings that have a direct line of sight into the hallway.
- If you are not in a room, try to get to one.
- If communication is available, call 911.
- Do not sound – or respond to – a fire alarm. A fire alarm would signal the occupants to evacuate the building and thus place them in potential harm as they attempt to exit.
- Lock the windows and close blinds or curtains.
- Stay away from the windows and doors.
- Turn off lights and all audio equipment.
- Try to remain as calm as possible.
- Keep everyone together.
- Keep rooms secure until police arrive and give you directions.
- Stay out of open areas and be as quiet as possible.
- If for some reason you are caught in an open area such as a hallway or lounge, you must decide what you are going to do. This is a very crucial time, and it can possibly mean life or death.
- If you think that you can safely make it out of the building by running, then do so. If you decide to run do not run in a straight line. Attempt to keep objects such as desks, cabinets, fixtures, etc. between you and the hostile person(s) to block your view from the intruder. When away from the immediate area of danger summon help any way you can and warn others.
- You can try and hide, but make sure it is a well-hidden space or you may be found as the intruder moves through the building looking for victims.
- If the person(s) are causing death or serious physical injury to others, and you are unable to run or hide you may choose to play dead if other victims are around you.
- If you are confronted by the hostile intruder, cannot run away, and feel that your life is in danger you will have to decide if it is necessary to fight back to survive.
- Throw things at the intruder’s head to first create a distraction. This may even buy enough time to allow you to run away.
- If you are with others, attack as a group all at once.
- If you are caught by the intruder and are not going to fight back, obey all commands and do not look the intruder in the eyes.
- Once the police arrive, obey all commands. This may involve your being handcuffed, or keeping your hands in the air. This is done for safety reasons and once circumstances are evaluated by the police, they will give you further directions to follow.
When a hostile person(s) is actively causing death or serious physical injury or the threat of imminent death or serious physical injury to person(s) on the grounds of 91°µÍø Community College, we recommend the following procedures be implemented:
- If you are inside a building, follow the instructions above (lock yourself in a classroom, office or residence hall room).
- If you are outside:
- Run away from the threat, if you can, as fast as you can
- Do not run in a straight line.
- Keep vehicles, bushes, trees or anything that could possibly block your view from the hostile person(s) while you are running.
- If you can get away from the immediate area of danger, summon help and warn others.
- If you decide to hide, take into consideration the area in which you are hiding. Will I be found there? Is this really a good spot to remain hidden?
- If the person(s) are causing death or serious physical injury to others, and you are unable to run or hide you may choose to play dead if other victims are around you.
- The last option you have if caught in an open area outside may be to fight back. This is dangerous, but depending on your situation, this could be your last option.
- If the intruder catches you, and you are not going to fight back, do not look the intruder in the eyes and obey all commands.
- Once the police arrive, obey all commands. This may involve being handcuffed or made to put your hands in the air. This is done for safety reasons and once circumstances are evaluated by the police, they will give you further directions to follow.
You may be the first to encounter the hostile intruder by sight or sound (e.g., gunshots). If so, call 911 as soon as you are safe to report the situation.
91°µÍø Community College will use all means available to notify the campus of the presence of a hostile intruder including email, phones, the 91°µÍø Community College website, and the campus TV messaging system. The 91°µÍø Community College website will display an emergency message on the home page of the public, employee, and student websites directing users to a page of emergency instructions.
91°µÍø Community College has programs and policies in place to protect all members of the 91°µÍø Community College community from sexual assault, sexual misconduct and sexual harassment, including programs for prevention and prosecution of these crimes that occur within the jurisdiction of 91°µÍø Community College and to assist others who have been victimized outside the jurisdiction of the College.
- If you believe you have been a victim of a sexual offense or misconduct, you should seek immediate assistance and do the following:
- Get to a safe place as soon as you can.
- If necessary, obtain medical treatment.
- Try to preserve all physical evidence if possible. Do not bathe, douche or change your clothes.
- If you are on campus, immediately contact the nearest College official or contact Campus Police from any “Red Emergency Phone/Callbox” system. Or, dial extension 2461 in Auburn, or 3067 in Fulton from any campus phone or call 315-294-8461 in Auburn or (315) 294-9067 in Fulton from a private telephone.
- Assaults, sexual or otherwise, are crimes; they are not the fault of the victim. Any student who is the victim of a sexual offense or misconduct is encouraged to consider all appropriate avenues for legal action and has the right to pursue adjudication through the criminal courts or the College’s internal disciplinary process. Campus Police Patrol Officers are trained to assist with the prosecution in both systems.
- If you decide not to report the incident to campus or local authorities, it is important to consider confidential assistance of medical, counseling and student service professionals.
Where there is probable cause to believe the College’s regulations prohibiting sexual misconduct have been violated, the College will pursue strong disciplinary action through its own channels. An individual charged with sexual misconduct may be subject to College disciplinary procedures whether or not prosecution under New York state criminal statutes is pending. The College will make every effort to be responsive and sensitive to the victims of these serious crimes. Protection of the victim and the prevention of continued trauma is the College’s priority. Assistance for any person or academic concerns will be reviewed and options provided.
Protect yourself by being aware of suspicious activities such as:
- someone who follows you for no apparent reason
- a stranger who sits, stands or walks unnecessarily close
- a date who continues sexual advances, even after you have clearly said no
- take your instincts seriously
- if approached, speak loudly and firmly, clearly tell the person to stay away from you, make a scene!
- if the above does not deter the individual – shout for help!
- if you are attacked and the attacker is armed – stay alive – do not resist if it will cause bodily harm or death
- go directly to a hospital or rape crisis center – rape victims need medical attention immediately
- do not clean yourself or pick up the area of the crime
- if on campus, contact Campus Police from any “Red Emergency Phone/Callbox” system. Or, dial extension 2461 in Auburn or 3067 in Fulton from any campus phone or call (315) 294-8461 in Auburn or (315) 294-9067 in Fulton from a private telephone.