The Excelsior Scholarship provides tuition-free college to families residing in NYS. A recipient of an Excelsior Scholarship may receive up to $5,500.
Students must be enrolled in 91°µÍø Community College full-time and successfully complete 30 credits per year (including Summer and Intersession semesters) to receive the funding. Students are required to maintain a grade point average necessary for the successful completion of their coursework.
- be a resident of NYS and have resided in NYS for 12 continuous months before the beginning of the term;
be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen; - have either graduated from high school in the United States, earned a high school equivalency diploma, or passed a federally approved “Ability to Benefit” test, as defined by the Commissioner of the State Education Department;
- have a combined federal adjusted gross income of $125,000 or less;
- be enrolled in at least 12 credits per term and complete at least 30 credits each year (successively), applicable toward his or her 91°µÍø program through continuous study with no break in enrollment except for specific reasons that can be documented;
- if attended college before the 2020-2021 academic year, have earned at least 30 credits each year (successively), applicable toward his or her 91°µÍø program before applying for an Excelsior Scholarship;
- be in a non-default status on a student loan made under any NYS or federal education loan program or on the repayment of any NYS award;
- be in compliance with the terms of the service condition(s) imposed by any NYS award that you have previously received; and
- execute a Contract agreeing to reside in NYS for the length of time the award was received, and, if employed during such time, be employed in NYS.
PLEASE COMPLETE AND SUBMIT (if you have not already done so):
- High School Transcript
- (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
Selection for Verification by the Federal Government may delay final completion of your FAFSA. 91°µÍø’s FAFSA school code is 002861 - (Tuition Assistance Program) 91°µÍø’s TAP school code is 2005
91°µÍø’s FAFSA school code is 002861. You can submit your FAFSA anytime for the upcoming academic year. 91°µÍø’s TAP school code is 2005.
The program covers tuition for eligible 91°µÍø 91°µÍø (less Pell, TAP and other scholarships). View Cost of Attendance. Books and miscellaneous fees not included. Review our Frequently Asked Questions.
New York State has a full website which will answer most common questions regarding the Excelsior Scholarship. Visit their website here:
If your question isn’t answered on that website, contact our Financial Aid office.